About Us:
We are an alliance guild residing on EU-Alonsus realm, founded the
7 of March of 2009. Our goal is to be a fun and social guild who
progresses through end game content in a relaxed and friendly
enviroment.. Raiding aside, we are also a very social guild. We
consider ourselves to be a very tight group but always love the
opportunity to meet other players like ourselves.
What do we offer as a guild?
Veritas is a medium-sized guild. With respect to raiding, we offer
you the opportunity to experience end-game PvE content and to
obtain achievements. Our raid leaders are friendly, professional
and courteous and will never patronize you or scream at you on
Mumble. We class ourselves as a social/semi-hardcore raiding guild
which generally means we take a relaxed attitude when it comes to
raiding with regards to raiding days and times - we don't tie
ourselves to our chairs and pee in bottles all day every day.
However we do expect everyone to focus when it comes down to
Raiding days are Wednesday, Sunday and Monday (sometimes as a push
on a new boss or because of raiders prior commitments we may ask an
extra day, in this case it is usually Tuesday) of a reset from
21:30-23:30 RT. So if you think you have what it takes and want
some raiding action don't hesitate to pop in an application or have
a chat in-game.
***Please note we are now looking to actively recruit for Warlords
of Draenor***