Continuing a long standing tradition of raiding at a high level,
after a short break , Requiem is fired up and recruiting for
Warlords of Draenor.
With leadership in place, and an excellent raid lead, you can be
assured that Requiem will be a force to contend with again in the
new expansion.
Ideally you should be free all raid nights, keep informed on
changes to your class and/or spec , be committed to raiding at a
high level, have a good attitude and be interested in overall
achievements (not necessarily just killing a boss)
Raid nights/time: Tuesday/Thursday 6-9:30pm PST
Now doing general recruitment, see the website , or hop onto
Bronzebeard and speak with any officer (Galandre / Vyraal / Majenta
or Suziq) about joining asap.
Thank you for reading about us,
Suziq, Galandre, and Vyraal
Bronzebeard PvE