The Sindicate is looking for serious raiders that want to work
heroic progression without the hardcore schedule. We raid two
nights a week (listed below) and we're recruiting to even out our
DPS and healing. Atm, we have 3-5 DPS and healers that just aren't
quite where we need them to be to continue our heroic
The guild consists of a mixture of hardcore and semi-hardcore adult
players who take their raid progression seriously while also having
a good time. We do boast one of the top 25 man progression teams
from our entire set of connected realms. As of 2/22/14, we're 2/14
heroic for 25 man. We've had some sub-10% attempts on Norushen and
expect to go much farther once we get that kill (main reason for
While our progression may seem a bit behind the rest, most of it
has been held back by our initial switch to 25 man several months
ago before our realm was connected to others to have a better base
of recruitment. Since then, we also had some restaffing to do after
some raiders didn't return from the holiday. We're back on the
progression path now, and need quality, competent raiders to help
propel us further.
Our schedule is Mondays from 7:30 - 10:45 pm CST, and Thursdays
from 7:00 - 10:45pm CST. Invites go out fifteen minutes prior to
raid start times. Flasks and feasts are provided, but potions,
enchants and the like are expected to be brought by the raider.
So if you are a solid raider and take your toon performance and
gear development seriously, we likely have a spot for you
(regardless of what class you are). However, those listed above
will get a much more serious look and are in short supply in the
raid (read - less competition for gear).
Add Frizzlefry#1495 to Real ID with questions.