We are actively looking for new recruits to all 3 of our current
raiding teams, both now, as well as for WoD!
How to Apply!
All applicants must meet our minimum pre-requisities displayed on
our application page.
Apply now @ http://www.guildconclave.net/
Or contact a guild officer in game for more information: Morgfu,
Sudeki, Ashyre, Kanzu, Darthzee or Taksawile.
Who is Conclave?
Conclave is a well respected mature Horde Guild playing on the
Oceanic Dath’Remar server. We are the longest serving guild on the
server and we are committed to a stable and enjoyable gaming
experience. We are a high-end PvE raiding guild consisting of
guildies from all over the world. Our roots began in Molten Core
and our many years of experience has us currently progressing well
through Mist of Pandaria.
We have 2x 10man groups and 1x 25 man group raiding at various days
and times during the week. There is a strong chance we have one to
fit you! We have a relaxed raiding commitment. This policy allows
all guildies the ability to balance other commitments but still
experience high end raiding in Azeroth.
Why Conclave?
We have many benefits that enhance our enjoyable social and raiding
- We are stable. We have been running as a guild since the launch
of the game.
- Raid leaders with many years of extensive experience.
- Most progression raiding nights have repair costs covered by the
guild bank.
- Our guild bank is continually stocked up with raiding materials
(flasks, potions, gems, etc) available to Raider ranked
- Extensive in-house access to profession patterns (ie: jemcutting,
enchanting, etc). No need to look elsewhere!
- Very popular 10man and 25man alt and flex runs
- Family friendly policies regarding family/friend invites to the
- Having a larger focus on the social side of the game means we
know how to have fun.
- Widespread community originating from many different countries,
guys & gals, young & old, wise & ... not so wise!