<The Old Guard>
Started near the end of summer before the release of the Wrath of
the Lich King expansion. We started as a group of friends from
other raiding guilds on Earthen Ring with the intent of raiding and
clearing 10 man content. Through time and commitment, we have grown
into a large successful raiding guild clearing all raid content in
10 and 25 man modes.
We do our best to maintain a social, drama-free and lighthearted
environment while keeping high standards of conduct, dedication and
performance in raids. We frown upon elitism and strive to treat all
members fairly.
Recuiting for 20m Mythic raiding
What are we looking for: Gear ilvl 640+
following classes: Range
We will seriously consider any application regardless of class and
spec that are level 100 and geared for raiding.
Raid times
- Monday 7:45 pm - 11:00 pm
- Tuesday 7:45 pm - 11:00 pm
- Thursday 7:45 pm - 11:00 pm
If you have additional questions, feel free to ask our recruitment
officer Midnitini. Other officers you can contact are Murlen,
Treyen, Devlar, Leah and Lamisa. Our GM is Mikako.