Currently open for recruitment for our Raid Team . We are also
still open for social members
Raiding Times:
Wednesday - 21:00-00:00
Thursday - 21:00-00:00
Sunday - 21:00-00:00
Monday - 21:00-00:00
If people are free we sometimes do Tuesdays at 21:00-00:00 too,
but this is only if we are very close to a progression
Why us?
We were originally a 10man raiding guild on Khadgar since Wrath,
we're a well established, friendly 25man guild.
We moved to Silvermoon at the end of ToT due to the lack of
available players for recruitment on Khadgar.
We have been quite relaxed towards raiding whilst maintaining good
steady progress but with the introduction of 20 man mythic we will
now be looking to be more focused at fast progression aiming for
high server ranks. This being said we are looking for very good
players, We are not looking for average performances.
We are looking to use this first tier of this exansion to rebuild
our core team. After SoO we found we carried alot of raiders and
that is no longer going to happen.
We are currently in need of a few roles but we are always on the
lookout for exceptional raiders regardless of the class/spec.
Anyone is free to apply for social membership.
Past Raiding Progression
Icecrown Citadel - 12/12 Heroic
Tier 11:
Bastion of Twilight - 4/4 Heroic,
Blackwing Decent - 6/6 Heroic,
Throne of the Four Winds - 2/2 Heroic.
Tier 12:
Firelands - 7/7 Heroic.
Tier 13:
Dragon Soul - 8/8 Heroic.
Tier 14
Mogu'Shan Vaults - 6/6 Heroic.
Heart of Fear - 3/6 Heroic.
Terrace of Endless Spring - 4/4 Normal.
Tier 15
Throne of Thunder - 11/13 Heroic
Tier 16
Siege or Orgrimmar - 14/14 Heroic(mythic) pre-6.0
Tier 17
Highmaul - Currently 6/7 Mythic
To apply, visit our Website at :
Register on the site and put up an application in the Recruitment
section of the forum.