Dominion is a 3/7M guild on Stormrage. We raid Tuesday - Thursday
nights from 8-11pm Eastern time.
Who We Are
We're a progression focused guild, that realizes real life happens.
We're not seeking server firsts, but we do want to clear the top
tier of content. We care about knowing mechanics, but aren't crazy
about perfect min-maxing (if you raid with mining, prepared to be
mocked though). We hover around the top 10 on Stormrage
We have been on Stormrage for about 2 years, having transferred off
of Alter of Storms as the server population started to decline. On
AoS we were consistently making server seconds.
In short, if you're looking for a consistent guild that makes
progression targets, without the demands of those in the World
First races, Dominion might be the place for you.
Current Target
We are currently starting up Mythic Highmaul.
Current Needs
We are currently searching for another healer, with a specific need
for a Mistweaver or a Resto Shaman. We could also consider a Holy
How to Apply
Please fill out an application on our site to apply (Click on Apply
to Dominion):
To reiterate: we raid Tuesday - Thursday nights from 8-11pm Eastern
Feel free to contact us with any questions. Satanswräth is our
Recruiting Officer and his BattleTag is Xemnax#1461. You can also
contact Solarshadow, our Healing Officer (Solarshadow#1696).
Thanks for reading!