Camelot is looking to recruit backup raiders who can help fill in
when one of our full time raiders is either unable to show up, or
is otherwise occupied. If you are looking to tank for us, speak to
Repossess, or myself on Tokenmonk.
We currently run three 10-man raids (Tues-Thurs / Fri-Sat /
Sun-Mon), all of which are currently working on SoO progression
(currently at 5/14, 4/14 and 4/14). We also do LFR as a guild on
Tues/Weds of the latest LFRs to make them less of a headache, and
will be doing Flex raids on those days once lfr popularity dies
down. Our standard raiding times for the normal runs is 9-Midnight
Server. Our LFR runs are at 7 server time.
As a backup raider, we don't hold you to any sort of commitment to
be on call for any given raid. Instead, if you're on and we need
you, we'll ask if you'd like to come on a given night. You'll have
the same chance at loot as anybody else in the raid, and a share of
any spirits / patterns we've gotten by the end of that week's
In addition to an active raid schedule, Camelot is a great group of
people who manage to maintain a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We
want people who can not only play well, but can have fun as
Please feel free to contact any guildy and ask for an officer if
you have any questions or are interested. Our GM's main characters
are Ephodess, Krephodess, Drephodra and Ephod. Officers are
Repossess, Shield, Veratais, Cuvs, and Elanaiya.