Bone Snappers guild are recruiting the above classes, although
other classes are considerd.
We have switched from 10 man heroic in MoP to 20 man team with
aiming at mythic raiding, while our current focus is to down HC
Blackrock foundry 4/10 N.
Our Highmaul progress is 5/7 HC and 6/7 Normal. We raid three days
a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday) in the evening from 20:45
till 23:30 server time.
Going into WOD we have a steady raid team that consists of between
20 and 25 players, we are looking for a few spots specified
Social members are always welcome to join our guild.
Our progress in MoP was 9/14 Mythic in SOO
The players in the guild and raid team are people who mostly have
been playing together since WotLK and is one of the older guilds
currently raiding on the Azuremyst server.
What we ask of our raiders is the following:
Be friendly and understanding.
Know your class! - Inside and out, know your rotation, and be
good at what you do basically.
Know the fights! - Come prepared (flask, potions, food) and
understand the tactics.
Standby – Due to our numbers some nights you might be on
standby. Don’t worry though its only 2 or 3 people max and you will
not be on standby multiple nights in a row. If your performance is
below par for progression you might be kept on standby.
Item Level - New Raiders must have an iLvl of 640
If you are interested whisper Paco(Paco#2865), Ruarda(Ruarda#2761),
Stewiegrifin, Obeid or Eaeldred in game for a chat/invite or fill
in the application on our website linked below.
Visit our website for more details: -