Minigame is a 10 man horde guild on Barthilas with a casual, yet
progression focused approach to raiding. We are currently
recruiting for our 25 man to move into Warlords of Draenor.
We are a very social guild and can normally be found on off days
playing various other multiplayer games or generally just dicking
around on mumble.
Anyone applying must be switched on with an ability to follow
instructions. We use Mumble as a voip server and using it is a must
in raids. We prefer applicants to have good raiding experience but
if you can prove that you are switched on, committed and willing to
learn we would be more than happy to train you up. Staying out of
fire is also a big plus...
Currently recruiting DPS(Healing Off-Spec is a plus) for 25 man and
Regardless of what we are recruiting we will always consider
exceptional applicants, so if your class isn't on the list and you
consider yourself a good player feel free to drop in an app
Raid times: (All times are Barthilas server time GMT+10.)
Monday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Wednesday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Thursday: 7:00pm-11:00pm
Anyone interested in applying head over to and fill out an app or contact me on my
Battletag Turdblossom#6535