Updated 1/19/15
We are always recruiting extremely skilled players. Do not hesitate
to apply even if we have several of your class. The most skilled
players will be raiding, guaranteed.
Raid Schedule:
We raid 4 nights/week (12 hours/week) during progression.
Our raids run from 8CST-11CST, on Tues/Wed/Thurs/Mon.
Recruitment is open for Warlords of Draenor - visit us
Previous Progression - Always Improving:
Highmaul - US #11 Mythic Imperator Mar'gok
Siege of Orgrimmar - US #22 25m Heroic Garrosh
Throne of Thunder - US #44 25m Ra-den
MSV/HoF/ToES - US #102 25m Finish
Dragon Soul - US #115 25m Heroic Madness of Deathwing
Firelands - US #128 25m Heroic Ragnaros
About Us:
Encore has been a mainstay as a Horde Progression Guild on
US-Illidan since T5. We are a close group of raiders that value
dedication to success and efficiency in all of our endeavors. We
consistently strive to clear the most difficult content Blizzard
has to offer in a timely fashion with our 12 hour a week raiding
Encore is one of the premier competitive raiding guilds on Illidan,
a high pop CST server based in the Chicago data center. We raid 12
hours a week, with a 3 hour per night, 4 day per week schedule.
Loot is distributed through a selected loot council (of both
officers and raiders). Raiders are provided with all necessary
consumables and repairs by the guild.
For those of you interested in joining Encore, you should know and
that we are foremost a WoW progression raiding community. However,
Encore has a gaming community that expands far beyond the scope of
most other guild. With numerous alt runs, sales runs, competitive
CMs, DOTA games, and random group runs through (often terrible)
steam games, Encore sets itself apart as a family of gamers that
enjoy not just the game(s) we play, but the people that we play
Before applying, understand that we are looking for exceptional
players only. We are not looking for individuals who plan on
flaking out after a tier or two. We are not looking for individuals
who need to be coached on their class/spec. We are not looking for
someone who plans on logging in, collecting loot, and disappearing
until the next raid. Priority for spots will always be given to the
player who performs at the highest level, and it should be noted
that if you lack experience and gear from the current tier, you
will need an extremely exemplary resume and learning curve to make
the cut.
To apply, visit us at http://encoreraiding.enjin.com, and make an
enjin account so you can gain access to the forums, find out what
Encore can offer you, and potentially join the team. If you have
any questions, feel free to PM the officers listed below via the
website, or in-game.
GM: Merrosextius (Merrosextius#1154)
Recruitment Officer: Drilago (Drilago#1460)
Active Officers: Merrosextius, Drilago, Kinshar