Post Nerf Kill is a guild that is committed to maintaining a casual
schedule and outlook while progressing. We raid 6-9 hours per week,
most typically in 2-3 raids of 2.5-3 hours each.
Currently, raids are generally held on Tuesday, Thursday, and
Sunday from 8:00 until 10:30 or 11:00 (CST). We do, however,
periodically re-evaluate and move our schedule if the availability
of our members changes.
Players are rotated, as much as possible, to ensure that enough
people are geared to keep raids rolling. We maintain only enough
raiders to run one 10-man group.
We have no formal attendance requirements, no real guild structure
or bureaucracy (no officers), no drama, and a consistently
laid-back raid atmosphere. We play to have fun.
Since we do not raid often, good awareness, performance, and
ability to learn from mistakes is expected. We generally only have
a few hours per week to work on new content, so making it
productive is important.
If you feel this style of guild may be a good fit for you, we are
always willing to consider applications from quality players at any
time. The guild website ( has more
information, or questions can be directed to
or any of our members in game.