After being dormant since April of 2011, we have returned, picked
up key players from The Ancient Order, Negative Bro, and Forza. We
seem to be picking up where we once were.. We have downed 2 20man
mythic encounters in a short amount of time and look foward to
downing the remaining mythic modes in an efficient manner. However
we have recently had several of our raiders quit the game due to
real life circumstances. While we wish them the best of look we are
looking to fill their spots with preferably:
* 1 Balance Druid
* 1 Windwalker Monk
* 1 DPS DK
* 1 Elemental Shaman
* 1 Enhancement Shaman
We prefer applicants who are AT LEAST 7/7 in heroic encounters,
although exceptions will be made for exceptional applicants.
About Final Destiny:
* We are a Horde PvE raiding guild based on Archimonde, where we
have been since December 2006. Although we took a few years long
break in 2011, we are back and have pickups from The Ancient Order,
Negative Bro, and Forza.
* Our focus is and always will be endgame PVE raiding content.
* It is our mission to finish all content in an efficient manner
while having fun.
* We have raids scheduled Tuesdays,Thursdays, & Sundays @
7:30pm CST (amount of days and time we raid are dependant on
* We use a silent bid attendence bracketed DKP System.
* We offer repairs, consumables, enchanting mats for
What we are looking for in applicants:
* You must be willing to spend time progressing. This means nights
we suck as a whole, wipe nights, etc.
* You must have exceptional knowledge of your class and your role
in raids.
* You must be committed and willing to learn and adapt fast to
different situations / strats.
* You must be willing to put in time and effort to learn / review
videos and strats before encounters.
* You must enjoy serious raiding while being able to have fun.
* You must have a stable computer with a good internet
* You must always come prepared for raids and also be willing to
farm for appropriate class flasks, potions, elixirs + all other
consumables when needed.
* You must be able to take constructive criticism if necessary.
Everyone makes mistakes, even the best of us, you must be mature
enough to take advice if you're doing something wrong.
* You must have the latest version of Mumble installed, having a
working mic is also a huge plus.
Our progress:
* Currently 2/7 Mythic HighMaul
* Realm First H:Valiona & Theralion 25m
* Realm First H:Maloriak 25m
* Realm First H:Atramedes 25m
* Realm First H:Halfus 25m
* Realm First Nefarian 25m
* Realm First Al'Akir 25m
* Realm First H:Halion 25m
* Realm First H:LK 25m (Pre 4.0)
* 12/12 Heroic Icecrown Citadel - H:GotIR
* 5/5 Heroic ToGC 25 - Tribute to Mad Skill
* Realm First H:Anub
* 14/14 Heroic Ulduar 25 - including Algalon & Yogg 0 -
* Heroic Malygos
* Heroic Sartharion
* Heroic Naxxramas - H:GotR
* BC Server Ranked #1
* Wrath Server Ranked #1
Check out our site at if you wish to apply or
have any questions or message Yumohgo or Leber in game during
non-raiding hours.