Contact Information
Real ID: Shadak#1881
Steam: Shadak (on steam all day at work)
Email: Shadak@reigninpower.com
Who Are We?
Reign in Power on Thrall (US-Horde) is a Mythic raiding guild. We
are a guild that cannot or do not want to commit to highly
time-intensive raid schedule of traditional “hardcore” raiding
guilds. We strive to kill end-game content while not looking to
make the game a second job. With this being said in order to stay
competitive we need members to have a near perfect attendance.
The core members of the guild have raided together since Everquest,
and moved with each other to the World of Warcraft at launch. The
guild was initially formed to take advantage of the “casual
friendly” changes that were initially developed during Wrath of the
Lich King, and further improvements were made as the guild grew in
Raiding Achievements
Tier 17: US 99
Tier 16: US 46 (8th for 3 nights per week)
Tier 15: US 55
Tier 14: US 155
Tier 13: US 227
Tier 12: Still building getting stronger
Tier 11: First true tier for this guild
What Are We Seeking?
Any and all classes are welcome to apply and try to earn a raid
spot as we expand to our Mythic roster.
What Are Raid Times?
Tuesday: 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. (CST)
Thursday: 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. (CST)
Sunday: 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. (CST)
That is an average of only 12 hours per week. In order to maintain
steady progress, we expect that our members to achieve near 100%
What Do We Expect?
We want people who are looking for a long-term commitment to a
hard-working raiding guild. We want people who are aware of their
surroundings; people who know when to get out of void zones,
cleaves, swipes, and proper placements on fights. We want players
that understand that some fights are not simply DPS races, and that
working as a team, executing the mechanics, and killing the boss
are more important than living on the ranking-edge. We expect that
our guild members understand the many advantages of our
Council-based loot system. Most importantly, we want mature
players. Players should also do everything they can to maximize the
character they play. examples: Enchants, Gems, etc. Don't come to
raid unprepared.
How Is Loot Distributed?
As mentioned above, loot is handled through a Loot Council system
of officers. Loot is distributed where it is deemed to be the most
beneficial to the raid as a whole.
How to Apply?
You can find our application via the link on our website
(www.reigninpower.com). When filling out your application, please
remember that this is our first impression of you as a person. Try
to put as much time into your application as you would when playing
the game. Show us, through words and logs, how well you know your
class and roles.
Ultimately, if you are looking to push end-game content with a very
motivated, fun group of gamers, we hope that you’ll take the time
to fill out an application. You may contact me by email with any
questions whatsoever regarding the application process or the guild
itself (shadak@reigninpower.com).