Multiple raid teams, 2x20M Mythic teams, 20M Alts raid
Horde - Zul'jin (US)
EST, High Population
About Us:
Entropi is a team of active, experienced, and skilled WoW players
who raid on a 2-3 day schedule. Our management and members have
played in premier guilds since Vanilla, and have been core members
in top 25 US guilds.
We transferred to Zul'jin from Lothar to benefit from Zul'jin's
large population of experienced raiders. While on Lothar we were a
top 100 US 25m. On Zul'jin, we ended MoP US 86th with 3x 14/14H
raid teams (2x25M, 1x10M), and successfully farmed over 108 H
Garrosh mounts.
Entropi is an active community and runs several raid teams.
Our members are mature (21+), working professionals with diverse
backgrounds in areas including Video game development, Comic Books,
IT, Software and more. We raid efficiently with a hardcore
perspective. Teamwork, communication and theorycrafting are our
primary advantages.
Entropi Team Edge Highlights in T17:
- Defeated Heroic Blast Furnace in 3rd pull, Heroic Iron Maidens in
2nd pull, N Blackhand defeated
- Downed Mythic Kargarth Bladefist, ranked World 1st Execution
- Defeated Heroic Imperator Mar'gok in 13 pulls, US 3rd Execution
Entropi highlights in Heroic SoO 25M:
- Defeated Heroic Blackfuse 25m Pre-nerf
- Downed Heroic Paragons of the Klaxxi in ~45 pulls
- Defeated Heroic Garrosh 25m US 86th in 126 pulls
US 3rd, UK/US 6th All-Star Rank for Overall Execution
- 1st US Execution Ranking Heroic Immerseus 25m (Warcraftlogs)
- 3rd US Execution Ranking Heroic Sha of Pride 25m
- 5th US Execution Ranking Heroic Blackfuse 25m (Warcraftlogs)
- 6th US Execution Ranking Heroic Paragons of the Klaxxi 25m
- 7th US Execution Ranking Heroic General Nazgrim 25m
- 8th US Execution Ranking Heroic Iron Juggernaut 25m
- 13th US Speed Kill Heroic Garrosh 25m (Wowprogress)
Entropi is always interested in speaking to exceptional players, if
you have a significant progression background feel free to app.
Want to raid with an experienced, team-oriented community? Contact
Team Edge's 20m Raid Schedule:
Wed 8:30pm - 12:00pm EST
Thurs 8:30pm - 12:00pm EST
Sun 8:30pm - 12:00pm EST
Team DC Schedule:
Wed 7:15pm - 10:45pm EST
Mon 7:15pm - 10:45pm EST
Guild Loot System:
Loot Council
We are interested in players who are/have:
- Mature (21+ years), Team Oriented, and Reliable
- Hardcore play style
- Good verbal communication skills
- Knowledgeable about their class and have an extensive raid
- Always research fights and are practicing theorycrafters
- Fast reflexes and good situational awareness
Please contact us with questions or apply:
Web: http://www.entropi.enjin.com
Contact on Zul'jin: Render (alts: Kaotika, Shayder, Texture),
Valenz (alts: Exarc, Krisstoff)
Or Btag: Kaotica#1271