Hi and welcome to Pots And Bandages WoWProgress page.
We're currently in full speed ahead to complete our roster for the
upcoming raids in Warlord Of Draenor.
Many of our members have been raiding together with eachother from
late Wotlk until now and are looking forward to do so for this
expansion aswell and would love to have you in on the fun!
For the time being we are looking for everyone that is motivated to
raid in a
fun, serious and relaxed enviroment with a friendly raiding
schedule that doesn't stress you out while doing progress. Our
goals are to clear all the content that is thrown at us in a fast
pace on Mythic. So therefor we want you who are looking for
progress and having fun while doing so.
As we only raid 3 days / a week we expect you to attend 95% of all
raids and being fully prepared while the invites are being sent
So whats in it for you ?
As a member of PaB you're joining so much more than only a guild.
You're joining a community.
Many of us are playing more than WoW on our sparetime which is
letting you to find a new group of friends that loves to do more
things together than playing WoW. We will also let you loot those
shiny purple epics that we all are after and having a great time
doing so.
So if PaB sounds like its the place for you dont hesitate to make
an application and we will hopefully see you ingame