Our goal of Noodle Factory is to kill the bosses in the least
amount of pulls without anyone pulling their hair out.
This is what we want, high skilled players who are fun to hang out
Raid Schedule
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00pm - 12:00am
Eastern. We take an 10 minute break in the middle of each raid. We
have no desire to raid more than three nights a week. We need
people who are able to commit to almost 100% of our raids. We
respect and understand that everyone has a real life, but plan
Tuesday - 8:00pm-12:00am EST
Wednesday - 8:00pm-12:00am EST
Thursday - 8:00pm - 12:00am EST
We are absolutely in need of intelligent, capable, fire-dodging
Recruitment People
We are ALWAYS searching for better players. We believe that stiff
competition among other raiders is the pathway to excellence. If
you perform a role better than one of our current members, and you
want to prove it, we will give you that opportunity. If you are a
better player, you WILL receive their raid spot.
Recruit Requirements
Your recruitment lasts about a month. We expect nearly 100%
attendance during this period. You are required to come to a raid
prepared with all consumables. Trials can get loot, but not over a
Loot Distribution
We loot council everything. Loot council is all the officers(5) + a
random raider. If everything is equal, we give gear to the most
skilled players. However, we often give gear to people who its the
largest upgrade for.
What makes us stand out
-We have many raiders who have played at a very high level(US top
20), and they enjoy it here because we have a semi-hardcore
atmosphere that can get a lot accomplished
-Low Drama
-a Mature guild with people who want to win at this game(can you
-We do not rage hard at people for making mistakes. If you fail at
a mechanic a few times, we will sit you/recruit to replace you.
We require that you have
-Stable internet connection
-High Attendance
-Situational awareness
-Strongly recommend some logs/proof you are decent
-Can take constructive criticism. Extremely thin skinned people not
-You must be at least 20 years old to apply.
Contact Info:
In-game: Raanch
Battletag: Raanch#1268