About Legitimate
Legitimate is a casual yet progressive raiding guild on the Dalaran
server. Our primary focus is endgame raiding, but we also have many
players who enjoy PvP and running old content for transmog gear and
achievements. We are a group of determined and motivated
individuals who play our classes to their fullest, while
maintaining a fun and friendly atmosphere.
Raiding Schedule
We raid Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9pm-12am EST, for a
total of nine hours each week.
Our ideal raid-focused applicant is an intelligent and skilled
player, who is willing to put the time and effort into raiding
effectively. This means having good raid attendance, being prepared
for each encounter, taking criticism well, being aware of one's
surroundings, and learning/adapting quickly. Of course, having the
proper gear for our level of progression is also necessary.
Recruitment is always open for exceptional players of any class,
regardless of our current recruitment needs. If you think you're
the kind of player who'd fit well with our guild, please direct any
inquiries you may have to our officers in-game.