Doge started out as a 10 man SOO 14/14hc Saturday pug in Mist of
Pandaria under the leadership of Soffe/Vildkatt and Invidíous on
Kazzak. With the opening of x-realm raids the pug evolved into a
stable 25 man. Having SoO 25 man 14/14heroic (later called Mythic)
on farm and a stable roster made us take the decision to make the
pug group into a weekend raiding guild for Draenor to be able to
keep in touch and have a common place with the closing of x-realm
mythic raiding.
Raid Schedule:
Friday: 19:00-00:30
Saturday: 19:00-00:30
We stick to our original vision with a casual weekend schedule to
allow those we have grown attached to continue raiding with us on
the side of there main guilds. Most of us are no-lifers who sits
online during all hours of the day.
Our loot system is simple loot council where we try to benefit the
guild as much as possible.
We are always interested in exceptional players of any class and
spec, although currently we are mainly searching for one
tank and a dps of the specs and classes listed above. We
welcome skilled main and alt players as most guilds do not share
our raid schedule. However, although this is your "alt" guild, we
expect you to threat raiding as if it was on your main. Show up
prepared and focused. If you don't, you are wasting 19 other
players time, and will get replaced.
Exceptional players always considered.
Contact Soffe/Vildkatt, Goten or Derpyhooves ingame, or visit our
Best of luck.
- Doge