Empire of the Sun was established September 29, 2010 by core
founders Searider, Nightmog and Shayla. EOS has seen many guilds
come and go, but we are very much still going strong!
What kind of guild are we? We started out very casual but as our
core guild members plowed their way to level 90 and built up more
alts, we naturally sought out more challenges and ended up doing a
little progressive raiding. Now we raid two to four nights a week,
mostly progression. EOS has transitioned to becoming more
raid-oriented over time but there's room for everyone whether
you're into raiding, questing or enjoying company.
We like to joke around, feel comfortable in a good environment and
most importantly, we respect each other and by extension, respect
other players coming into our gameplay atmosphere.
We are looking for friendly, mature and helpful players! There are
a few rules: No swearing, begging, sexist, racist, political or
religious talk in guild chat. We relax the swearing rules outside
of gchat but remind everyone to always be civil, respectful and
able to get along with others.
We have a Heroic/Mythic progression team looking for raiders. If
you are serious, know the fights and your role, are dependable,
have a good attitude, we are looking for you. Contact Elstarin
in-game to discuss possibilities, thank you.
Having your toon able to do more than one role in a raid is a big
plus as we sometimes need the flexibility. Don't fret if there
isn't room on the team for you, but backup spots are always
If you show you can handle raiding, know how to play your class and
role(s) well, you will get a spot sooner or later after serving as
a backup. We need to know you've been honing your skills. Please be
patient and be willing to serve as a backup in case of emergency
even if you are not on the "recruiting list" above. Note: if you
are flaky about attendance/being on time or gearing up properly or
have a bad attitude, you will not be invited back to raids.
If you desire an invite, please use the Guild Finder Tool or send a
message to any one of our officers, such as Magedulook, Zorá,
Jcbwarlock, Xeondk or Elstarin.