Kor'Kron Warband (KKW) is a Horde side, 25 man raiding guild. We
strive for progression and excellence in raids while at the same
time acknowledging that World of Warcraft is not the only thing in
life. We are not hardcore but not casual either. When we raid, we
go all out. Expect to keep up a good pace with minimal AFKs.
Our current raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, all at
7PM to 11PM server time. We almost always raid until the end unless
there is no content to raid or there are other circumstances that
must be handled. During these times, expect to down some bosses,
collect some loot, and have a good time! With that in mind, focused
progression based boss encounters with many wipes are going to be
plentiful. For all of us, it will be the best part of the night. We
hope it will be yours as well.
Pertaining to guild progression as a whole, we have plenty of
members pushing for personal achievements that factor into the
guild as a whole. We constantly have members PvPing, questing, and
exploring the world to help the guild rank up as fast as possible.
We also host our own rated BG team that consists of some of the
best PvPers that Maelstrom has to offer.
All of this under one roof!
Please direct all applications to http://www.korkronwarband.net and
copy the application template from the forums and answer the
questions directly. Grammar, spelling, and the way you portray
yourself as a person factors greatly into our decision process
along with gear, experience, and any other in-game achievements you
may have.
If you have any questions, any guild member will be happy to help,
but for specific questions on the guild or your application, please
contact an officer in game via whisper or mail. Our current
officers consist of Aplaste (healing), Confessor (Ranged), Pigpen
(Ranged), Gobi (Melee), and Munch (Melee). While each Officer has a
role for specific areas, any of them can help you.
Hope to see you in-game soon!