Acquired Taste
Raid Times: 6:15 - 9:30 PST Tues/Wed/Thurs
website: ATAKAMA.NET
Officers: Iriemember, Hyper, Benedictum
Experienced raiders are always encouraged to apply (experience
makes up for gear, so if you have previous raiding experience, but
are lacking the gear, feel free to toss us an app!)
A bit about Acquired Taste:
Our roster is very stable, so we're looking to fill out some
classes in anticipation of MoP. We've been around since vanilla and
has claimed every realm first on the server since BC. Other notable
kills (all US rankings):
82 25H Madness of Deathwing
97 25H Spine of Deathwing
16 10H Warmaster Blackhorn
67 H Ragnaros
46 25H Lich King
21 10H Lich King
33 25H Anub'arak
49 Algalon
69 Alone in the Darkness
If you're interested, please feel free to hop over and talk to one
of our officers.