Guild Information: Casual/Progressive
Guild: Serious Business
Server: Gnomeregan (Alliance PVE)
10-man SoO raiding (progressive group):
Raid Days: Tuesday, Thursday
Raid Times: 6-9 pm server (PST/PDT)
SoO Flex raiding (casual group):
Raid Days: Saturday
Raid Times: 5-8/9 pm server (PST/PDT)
Serious Business is currently recruiting for progression through
the different flexible raid difficulties in WoD.
Future raid hours at that point may or may not changed slightly to
accommodate the member base and raid leaders optimally.
Chances are the raid groups will be merged into a three day group
while we are progressing through the flexible raid difficulties,
and eventually split up again for a mythic 2-day group and a casual
weekend/alt group.
Max level member ranks could end up being staggered over multiple
ranks to what content and commitment to guild events the members
fit into.
This staggering will depend on different values and can be
reevaluated for the single member at request:
1. Commitment/regularity - since those who can show up near every
time have a better chance of executing encounters right faster for
guild overall progression.
2. Comfort with class and role - without which it would be hard to
bring ones a-game for progression.
3. Gearing / investment in developing ones main character - we need
to know the player takes an interest in their main character for
4. Team-spirit /general social aptitude - both introverts and
extroverts are welcome, but anti-socials, bigots and immature
griefers are not.
We need to know that progression raiders will find it appropriate
to do farmable content with some of the casuals and new raiders to
help them learn to execute encounters right beyond LFR
Serious Business is on the Alliance side of the US-Gnomeregan.
While our guild's atmosphere is often far from serious, we strive
to make the most of our raiding hours each week. Using this
philosophy we have progressed steadily from Gruul's all the way
through Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, Sunwell Plateau, Malygos,
Sarth3D, Ulduar, ToC, ICC and straight into Cataclysm raids and on
to the MoP raids.
During Cataclysm we hit a bump with people burning out and moving
on with their lives. We are back and now seeking to re-establish a
semi casual raid team with our residing veterans and strengthen our
casual family and friend guild activities.
All in all, we aim to provide our raiders a mature environment in
which to enjoy higher-end content, while also remaining flexible
and accommodating our members' real life commitments and
Our guild is comprised of almost all working adults, so we try to
value our members time.
Applicants intend on the raid team should be ready to commit at
least casual progressively to raiding, and not find it offensive,
if we bench those rarely there for higher attendance people on
guild progression raids. Applicants are expected to care about
their characters developement within the limitations of the time
they spend playing and we expect them to know how to play their
class, or be interested in improving.
We cancel progression raids if we are missing more than 2 people on
time. Otherwise we run on time or after pugging 1-2 people from
server and battletag friends lists. We do prefer to run all guild
We also run regular Saturday flex raids for guildies gearing up and
spontaneous retro raids in guild groups for those, who just want a
fun uncomplicated time, when they are on.
Now with all the /srs junk out of the way, we're a great group of
people who love to joke around while we raid, but have no issues
getting serious when it comes to figuring stuff out. It's a
fantastic atmosphere with a solid core of people, and we have very
very little turnover for anything other than RL stuff.
We use mumble for communication during raids and expect you to use
Deadly Boss Mod or Bigwig, if your situational awareness can
improve by it.
Feel free to drop off an application if we sound like we might be a
good fit for you!
Serious Business Leadership:
* Guild Leader: Kariza/Kellidd
* Guild Officers: Siega (Dangara), Shiftydrood, Bladestalker