Currently we have two teams that each raid two nights a week. Our
progression team runs 6-9pm PST on Tues/Thurs and is looking ranged
DPS and/or healers. We plan to go to Mythic and we are building our
team for that purpose. If you'd like to apply you can go to our
website at and click the Raiding tab for more
We also have a casual group that runs at 6-9pm PST on Sat/Sun and
has open enrollment. Just show up and have fun!
We have built Over Nine Thousand to be a guild that is for fun and
dedicated players on Bronzebeard. The name stems from the Feat of
Strength, as our focus is the acquisition of achievements, titles,
mounts, pets, and legendaries for the guild and its members. Our
vision is to create an environment for players desiring to master
all content from World of Warcraft and its expansions. Acquiring
achievements takes both patience and tenacity and we cherish new
and current members who galvanize these aspects.