<Red Dragon Society> is 25 man, late night raiding
guild. This guild has been a 25 man since Naxx and will remain a 25
man unlike most of the guilds on Bonechewer. Through the ups and
downs, we persevere as a prominent 25 man guild. We are taking
exceptional players regardless of class. Please apply in game or to
Raid times: Pacific Standard Time (Server Time)
Monday - Thurs, 10:15 PM - 01:30 AM.
14/14 Heroic Siege
Loot System: EP/GP
RDS strives to maintain a professional and friendly environment
that encourages teamwork and enjoyable progression. Regardless of
skill, a player with a bad attitude is a negative influence. As
such, we will not tolerate players who are disrespectful of others,
hostile, or extremely negative. You may be the most skilled player
in WoW, but if you are a jerk, don’t apply.
Some players take it upon themselves to police other players and
belittle them. Such policing and chastisement is the job of the
officers and RDS believes most policing is best done with whispers
and conversation not yelling and name-calling. As such, if you
think there is a problem, bring it to an officer’s attention. In
addition, we run RDS for ALL the members of RDS not for just you.
So if you are planning to put your in game needs over the guild's
needs, look elsewhere.
For more information please contact Zofu(Recruitment officer) or
Gumms in game.