Basic Information
- Semi-casual guild raiding 3 days per week during progression
(Thursday/Sunday/Monday 20:00-00:00)
- Focus on Mythic raiding
- Oldest Guild on Kazzak that has never disbanded or reformed (with
a 8.5-year raiding history)
- Applications on our website at or
A few words about us
Order of Sargeras is at the moment the oldest Guild of
Kazzak, that has never stopped raiding at the highest level
(40-man in Classic, 25-man from TBC till MoP and Mythic since WoD)
ever since this realm first opened in May 2006. There is no other
guild that has had a continuous raiding history of EIGHT years and
a half without ever having disbanded, quit raiding, merged with
another guild, downgraded to 10-man raiding or any of those
abominable things that can make baby Jesus weep. So, even though we
can't offer you the best raid progress around, we can offer you a
really stable guild that will require more than an earthquake to
disband, unlike the so many new guilds that pop up every week.
Our main goal and concern is not to strive in order to achieve
server first kills and such. Of course, we are first and foremost a
raiding guild, so we always make sure to do our best in order to
reach and best the so-called "end-game raiding". We have had our
ups and downs but we have always managed to be in a quite coveted
position progress-wise.
What we really aim at is on the other hand to have a strong, active
and friendly community based on the good relations of our members.
That's the secret of our longevity after all, the core of our
members stick around with us not for the epics we will offer them
but for what we are and the fun times we have together. It's not
weird after all that in our eight and a half years of existence the
vast majority of the members we have lost are due to them quitting
WoW, with only a very small minority searching their luck in more
hardcore guilds.
What we expect from you
- Maturity: Our members' average age is mid-20s to early 30s
(without that meaning we don't have younger people as well),
something that can ensure a mature environment to the best possible
extent. We do enjoy to joke and fool around of course, sometimes to
quite high extents. But when the time to get serious comes,
everyone must be able to achieve that.
- Nice Attitude: There are a couple of things we can't stand
and one of them is elitists and jerks in general. If you tend to
judge everything and everyone, if you think you are the best and
want to make sure everyone understands that, if you tend to insult
everyone and get involved in quarrels, if you tend to whine for
every single detail without having any constructive comments to
make, then don't really bother to apply. We want all our members to
have a friendly and social attitude towards each other and towards
- Dedication: As mentioned above, we take our own pace
regarding raid progression. Most of the times we do quite well, but
there are times we face some problems. So, what we expect from you
is to be patient and dedicated to the guild. If you see that we are
ever through a hard period, then you should make sure that it isn't
a real problem for you not to have super progress for some time,
until the situation is sorted out. Have faith and thou shalt be
rewarded. We have faced many problems in our 8.5 years but we
always overcome them.
- Skills: We are neither Method nor Paragon. We do require
though from you to be skilled as a player. DPSers that are beaten
by tanks, healers that heal less than divine storm, tanks that need
half an hour to keyboard turn and gather their targets, people that
like to dance in the middle of flames and die, people that can't
click on a portal and get mind-controlled, are not really what we
are looking for. So, make sure you have a close-to-perfect
knowledge of your class and at least the reflexes required for
Pacman before you apply.
- Activity: You must attend at least 80% of our official
raids. In case anything comes up, you should always inform us
beforehand; we are very understanding. People that start missing
raids without letting us know though will soon find themselves
Currently Recruiting
Pretty much everything. Exceptional applications will always be
considered regardless of class.
So, if you think what we can offer you seems appealing to you and
you have what it takes to join our ranks, take a look at (or to log
directly on the forum) and make an application or alternatively
contact any of our Officers in-game if you want any more