<WHATEVER WERE AWESOME> (sadly, apostrophes are not
allowed in guild names) is a 25 man progression raiding guild on
the Magtheridon server. We are currently looking to make additions
to our raid roster in preparation for upcoming raid content.
★Raid Times★
Raid times are Sun-Thu 8pm-12am est.
We expect people on and ready for invites at 7:30
During progression we may raid over the usual end time in order to
secure a kill. We also may begin as soon as we have 25 on, even if
slightly before 8.
★Recruitment needs: ★
We have immediate openings for the following classes:
Ele/Enh Shaman
Balance Druid
Please do not hesitate to apply if your class is not listed above.
In the end we are looking for quality players and are willing to
make exceptions. If you think you have what it takes, then feel
free to submit an application.
Mists of Pandaria:
★ H: Garrosh Hellscream US 4th
★ H: Ra-den US 6th (pre 5.3)
★ H: Lei Shen US 8th (pre 5.3)
★ H: Sha of Fear US 9
★ H: Grand Empress Shek'zeer US 10
★ H: Will of the Emperor US 9
★ H: Madness of Deathwing US 12 (pre-nerf)
★ H: Ragnaros US 22
★ H: Sinestra US 36
★ H: Halion US 61
★ H: Lich King US 71
I think one thing that almost anyone who has ever raided with us or
been on our mumble during a raid can attest to is the fact that
we're a lot of fun. We're able to joke around and make fun of each
other while maintaining a raid environment that is conducive to
clearing new content at a highly competitive level. You should
expect to have jokes made at your expense if you make a mistake. If
you can't take jokes, WWA is probably not the place for you.
We expect raiding experience in previous tiers of RELEVANT content.
All of our raiders are expected to maintain close to 100%
attendance during progression content. It is expected that all
applicants have a strong knowledge of their class and relevant
theorycrafting. It should be apparent that you are putting forth
the maximum amount of effort in improving your characters
Applicants must have the ability to play and maintain two
raid-ready alts
Do not waste our time if you are a drama-queen. Do not waste our
time if you can't take jokes. Do not waste our time if you are
easily offended or cannot take harsh criticism.
Apply on our forums at www.WHATEVERWEREAWESOME.com.
Any additional questions can be directed to
Sarkasmos(Sarkasmos#1120), Donnut(Brumz#1797), Botty(Botty#1337),
Killmour or Rawxd.