<Missunderstood> an Alliance guild on Kirin Tor server is now
accepting applications/recruiting DPS or an exeptional healer for
our weekend core. This is a full time core position on our 20m
core. Current progession is 6/7 Heroic Highmaul.
Raid Group - Raid days are Sat-Mon, 7:00-10:00 p.m. CST. Must be
able to make all three days consistently. No exceptions. We use a
modified Suicide Kings loot distribution.
Current Needs: Melee DPS: DK, Ret, Rogue, WW. 1 Healer with Strong
OS (Disc, Resto Druid)
If you'd like a spot on a growing team, with proven success. Drop
us an app.
Qualities we are seeking: Determination to learn and excel at
class, ability to take constructive criticism, theorycrafters,
min/maxers, committed to progression despite multiple wipes, level
headed team-player, non-elitist, NO LOOT !@#$%S, and personable
with a little humor never hurts either. No alts please, looking for
main toons whose players will invest time into.
All walks of life are welcome, cool cats, new players and old, we
are LGBT-friendly, and 18+ ( no exceptions). We are a guild that
started from humble beginnings late in Mists of Pandaria and
finished server first. Have a sense of humor, a knowledge of your
class, and the desire to experience some organized raiding, or join
us socially for an online place to call home.
If this sounds like fun to you then please by all means contact me
or another officer in game or you can catch us on our website:
missunderstoodguild.com on Twitter: @missunderstoodw, at Facebook:
Missunderstood Guild
Thank you for reading!
Guild Master of Missunderstood
Misshap - Guild Master (Tantrum#1150)