Current raid schedule:
Monday 20:00-24:00
Tuesday 20:00-24:00
Thursday 20:00-24:00
Sunday 20:00-24:00
During farm, raid days are reduced to 1-2
Mainly Looking for Resto shaman,also 1 good melee dps
Our History:
Silence is an old guild originally founded in 2006 before the
release of The Burning Crusade. The guild was founded with a desire
to create a raiding-oriented guild with the priority being
progress. The progress in The Burning Crusade varied from being
among the top 3 guilds on the server to a staggering world 7th kill
on Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Caverns.
During Wrath of the Lich king, Silence was top 3 on the server up
to Trial of the Crusader. Just before releasing next raiding
instance the guild was reduced to merely a social guild and at some
point completely inactive. This lasted until the latter part of
Cataclysm, when old officers and raiders of Silence came back to
the game and wanted to reignite what was once one of the greatest
guilds on Silvermoon. After quickly clearing Dragon Soul on 10man
Heroic the guild went through another major transformation and
recruited our way up to 25man. Clearing Dragon Soul on 25man Heroic
took only 3 weeks. At that point Silence started to prepare for
Mists of Pandaria.
In MOP Silence went from strength to strength, rebuilding from
scratch in MSV to ending up as the World Rank 47 25 man guild to
kill Garrosh on Heroic, this was extra rewarding for all the hard
work put in by the entire guild as it meant we were in the top few
4 day raiding guilds in the entire world.
Our Ethos:
Silence consists of a core raiding group of as few players as
possible while still maintaining a group that is able to adapt to
and defeat any encounter that may cross our path. We're constantly
trying to improve our own raid-group through working together
aswell as recruiting new, skilled players to be a part of our
journey. Our Mythic raiders all have 1 or 2 alts that they can play
at a competitive level, this allows us the flexibility to adapt
without needing to overflow the roster, it is always well received
if any new recruits include some experience of any alts they do or
have played previously
WOD is here and Silence again aims to repeat the feats of the
previous expansion, we set ourselves simple goals, have healthy
real life - game balance (no 12 hour days or 4 am pulls) whilst
being amongst the first to clear the content as it arrives.
Recruitment is open and we are seeking a few dedicated and skilled
dps whose aims and ambitions match our own.
If you are thinking about applying:
We are always looking for exceptionally good raiders! Even
if you're class/spec is not listed on the active recruitment, we
will take every application under serious consideration.
Visit our website ( ) or whisper any of the
following officers if you have any questions:
Bartek - Dávro - Keion - Razhklash - Geryaki