LsR- is a semi-hardcore guild with a strong group of dedicated
Our recruitment for raiding is currently closed, however we offer a
home to anyone that wishes to join and "work" for a spot.
We raid 2 nights a week. We alternated every other weekend and
every other Wednesday/Thursday. Our geeks need a weekend to
chillax- and not end up divorced.
We have a 3 strikes attendance policy. 3 times of tardiness or
absence- you will be replaced in raid, no questions asked, unless
you have legitimate reasoning to be gone. We dedicate our time to
our guild. Respect it.
Know you character. Don't come into raid NOT ready to raid. Have
your enchants and gems in your gear- flasks and pots ready. Common
sense. Know your fights. There are plenty of guides to look up for
strats on fights and encounters.
Don't come into our guild asking for us to do everything for you.
We all do what we can to achieve a greater good for everyone,
however you need to pull your own weight when it comes to gold,
your professions, etc...
Ventrilo is a must. No questions asked. Especially if you're
looking for a raid spot.
Proper add-ons for raiding. DBM, etc.
Even though our recruitment is closed, we are always open to
speaking with very talented players on the prospect of joining us.
Message Tangin or Loxin in-game for further details.
Also- we are a pretty "adult" guild. We don't have much of a filter
with talking. Sarcasm and *** taking abilities must be included.
Otherwise- have some fun!