*Updated 1/11/15
Turkeyism - Is now recruiting for competent raiders for
Warlords of Draenor.
Our raid time is Friday and Saturday at 7:30p.m. to 11:30p.m.
*Raid times are extended during progression on both days if
About the Guild:
We are a tight-knit group of players who raided together and
decided to make a semi-hardcore raiding guild and now we need to
expand our raiding roster. We strive to do our best and clear
content as it comes. Since old Heroic is now Mythic 20-man, we are
looking for more players with the same focus.
Past Guild Experience:
Realm 19th - Siege of Orgrimmar 14/14 Mythic / Old Heroic
Throne of Thunder 1/13 Heroic
We update our Guild Website consistently on classes that we are
currently in need of.
Head over to our website to put in a Application or talk to
Patakra in game.