Reckoning is one of the top-ranked and longest-running 20M raiding
guilds in World of Warcraft. We've been around for over seven years
and offer a mature raid environment whose primary focus is
competitive progression near the top of the North American/US
raiding ranks.
Some of our previous accomplishments include:
Mists of Pandaria
Siege of Orgrimmar (T16)
US 8/World 24 Garrosh
Throne of Thunder (T15)
US 9/World 26 Ra-den | US 7/World 26
Lei Shen
Terrace of Endless Spring (T14)
US 10/World 30 Sha of Fear
Heart of Fear (T14)
US 12/World 37 Grand Empress
Mogu'shan Vaults (T14)
US 12/World 49 Will of the
Dragon Soul (T13)
US 18/World 59 Madness | US 16/World
54 Spine
Firelands (T12)
US 9/World 45 Ragnaros
Bastion of Twilight (T11)
US 29/World 113 Sinestra | US
21/World 87 Cho'gall
Throne of the Four Winds (T11)
US 24/World 108 Al'akir
Blackwing Descent (T11)
US 16/World 52 Nefarian
We also actively participate in almost every PTR/Beta raid test
that Blizzard makes available, but PTR raids are only mandatory if
they are 20M and fall near our normal raid hours. Even without a
mandate to attend the raids that fall outside our regular hours,
most of our raiding core still participates.
Even if your class is not listed as a priority, keep in mind
that most excellent players don't come from other top US raiding
guilds - if you consider yourself to be one of the best players on
your server or in your guild and can write a solid application, we
are likely to recruit you.
Reckoning was formed shortly after Burning Crusade was released,
and we quickly established ourselves as a successful 25M raiding
guild. We cleared all the content in Burning Crusade, including a
Pre 3.0 kill on M’uru in Sunwell, and continued to push progression
successfully in WotLK. We have consistently been one of the top 20
raiding guilds in North America for almost three years.
We typically raid from 7:30 PM ET - 1 AM ET, Sunday-Thursday (5
nights). We almost never extend our hours past these times or start
early, and we've only added an extra day to our raid week five
times in three years. When progression is complete, we raid 1-2
nights a week and participate extensively in PTR testing. During
most tiers, we also run 20M alt raids of new content and as we
prepare for the upcoming tier when progression is complete in the
current tier.
Expectations: We're looking for players who can commit to
our raiding schedule and are motivated to participate in hardcore
US progression. We're not just looking for people who can top the
meters - survivability, situational awareness, and an ability to
fit in well with the guild atmosphere are also key. We've also
found the best of us like to have a good time while we raid, and we
like keeping a light raid environment while still maintaining a
serious approach to progression.
If you're interested, check out the "About Us" section at, or come have a conversation with us on-server.
Mumble interviews are typical for all applicants, but we often
answer questions before an application is submitted.
Recruitment contacts on Mannoroth:
Sprixi - Sprixia#1945
Warcraft Logs: