One of the oldest and most successful guilds on the Durotan server.
As guilds come and go, Novare Res will still remain. We pride
ourselves on our family atmosphere within a thriving environment.
Our raiding group is considered a Semi-hardcore group that dwells
within a family tribe.
Our raiding times are family friendly and will not require you to
be up late hours throughout the night. We understand that Real Life
comes first and want to make sure this is accomplished in all of
our lives. Our raiding times allow our group to be successful
in-game; as well as, promote the success of our out-of-game life
If you are looking for a fun place to raid and not have to worry
about a guild leaving you, or changing servers (aka. no drama),
then Novare Res could be that home for you. For any questions
please feel free to whisper Quam, Filgulfin, or Evagorn for further