Background info:
No-Regrets is a guild located on Shattered Hand EU. Created in 2005
on Burning Legion EU by the current core, it has moved around to
find new potential among the playerbase.
Being a guild that originated back in 2005, we are one of the
oldest guilds still alive and raiding, and we take great pride in
our active and loyal core. With this core also comes the great
experience that has been accumulated over the years, thus enabling
efficient guild- and raid-leading.
As a guild, we're always open-minded towards not only new players,
but also new ideas, while still remaining as stable as ever.
When do we raid?
Thursday : 19:30 - 23:00
Sunday : 19:30 - 23:00
Monday : 19:30 - 23:00
We do require you to be online and ready for invite and raidstart
at least 15 minutes prior to the start.
Raiding and applicants:
We're a semi-casual, semi-hardcore raiding guild. We do require for
raiders to be ready for raid and to focus during raid, otherwise we
will bench them.
We're always looking kind upon any applicants, and any player able
to play multiple specs, classes and the like will be looked upon
with great interest.
How does the guild work?
We have a dedicated, experienced and fair leadership.
The loot is distributed through loot council, where
considerations to current progress, boss fights etc. are taken into
We have very focused raids. The raiders know what to do, but
stuff is still called to minimise screwups.
Besides these we also have a relaxed and friendly environment
besides raiding, with occasional guild parties held every now and
To apply to No Regrets or to learn more, look us up on our
Besides this you can also contact Zagrez or Arilyn ingame to learn
more. Avell#2586, Zagrez#2801
No-Regrets Forum/Website:
No-Regrets Facebook page: