We are always interested in good and exceptional applications
for all classes. If you think you can perform better then
someone in our raiding roster, please do apply. Provide us with
some impressive logs from WCL/WoL/etc. and you might earn yourself
a full-time spot in Fallout.
What we expect from our applicants
- Have a hunger for progress
- Be a team player that enjoys a laid back atmosphere
- Be dedicated to their class
- Have a hunger for impressive logs
- Be geared and ready to step into progression
- Have an endgame raiding history
Raiding Times (Server Time)
- Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:30
- Thursday: 20:00 - 23:30
- Sunday: 20:00 - 23:30
- Monday: 20:00 - 23:30
Past Raiding History
-- Cataclysm --
- Dragon Soul: 8/8 HC (5% Nerf)
- Firelands: 7/7 HC (Pre 4.3)
- Tier 11: 13/13 HC (Pre 4.2)
- I Can't Hear You Over the Sound of How Awesome I Am (Not within
the current patch!)
-- Wrath of the Lich King Progression and Notable Achievements
- ICC: 12/12 HC (Pre 4.0.1)
- Ruby Sanctum: 1/1 HC (Pre 4.0.1)
- Tribute to Insanity 25M
- Herald of The Titans
- Tribute to Dedicated Insanity
- Yogg + 0
- The Undying
- The Immortal
General Information
- Guild created on: September 3, 2007
- Nationality: International
- Loot system: EPGP
- VoIP: TeamSpeak 3
- Raiding Style: Semi-hardcore
What we expect from our raiders
- Have a hunger for progress.
- Maintain at least 90% attendance.
- You will be prepared for new encounters by either watching movies
or reading up on tactics.
- You will be on time for the raids.
- Be updated about the class changes and always play the spec most
optimal for each of the encounters.
- Be motivated, bring team spirit, suggest and take constructive
criticism in a good way. We do not tolerate whiners and emo
- Proper communication during boss fights.
Recruitment Officers
- Cowbeartree
- Feday
- Chippra
- Spaghetti
- Scarpetta