We are Suit Up on Malorne and we are looking for more dedicated
raiders to fill our rosters!
We are recruiting anyone interested in joining our ranks. We are
currently accepting any outstanding rogue DPS. We do accept anyone
who is just looking for a social and laidback guild to be a part of
outside of raiding.
We are currently 7/7N, 7/7H and 1/7 Mythic in Highmaul.
We are looking for dedicated people who don't like drama but are
patient, knowledgeable and above all love to raid! We have a guild
bank full of gems/flasks/mats. We all love the game and love
raiding and are excited to progress!
We currently raid Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7 MST to 10:00
If you are interested, please fill out an application on our
website and/or send a whisper to either Lestat#1184 or