About Us
We're a hardcore, 3 day-a-week guild. After great success during
Mists of Pandaria, we are reforming. We're a driven 20-man Mythic
guild with the intent to keep up with the best on a more lenient
schedule. We pride ourselves on having a enjoyable social
atmosphere but in raids we're nothing short of serious.
Siege Of Orgrimmar
- World 20 Garrosh (Normal)
- World 98 Norushen (Heroic)
- World 65 General Nazgrim (Heroic)
Raid Times
- Wednesday: 19.30 - 23.30
- Thursday: 19.30 - 23.30
- Monday: 19.30 - 23.30
We're always recruiting EXCEPTIONAL raiders no matter
recruitment status. Get in-touch if you feel you can outperform our
current raiders!
Please find our current recruitment at:
What We Expect
What else we are looking for?
• Close to 100 % attendance.
• You have consumables ready for every encounter; flasks, best
possible food (during progress) and potions.
• You are able to behave maturely when giving or receiving
criticism, whatever it may be for.
• You have full knowledge of your class. You are capable of playing
all your specs close to the level of your mainspec should your
offspec be required for progress.
• Players that communicate well and look for ideas how to improve,
we do not want people who only tunnel DPS.
• High-end PvE Experience. It must not come to a shock to you how
progress works.
• Being available during the raid period
• Having a working microphone and being able to express yourself in
proper English.
• You are always in front of the instance before raid starts and on
Teamspeak. (we don’t need to contact you in any way in order for
you to log on for raid).
For more information regarding recruitment, please visit our
website http://www.false-guild.com or contact one of
our recruitment officers in-game: Licki (Harm#2145), Eclipsie
(Eclipsi#2269), Waiwoot or Zoomge