Who we are
Carpe Noctem is an old and established guild on SilvermoonEU
We are a semi-hardcore 25-man raiding guild, raiding 3 times per
week for 3,5hours each night.
Our website is: http://cnguild.eu
Our raid nights are:
Tuesday 19:30 - 23:00
Wednesday 19:30 - 23:00
Sunday 19:30 - 23:00
Our progress:
Highmaul: 6/7 Mythic
Our recruitment spots are:
We are currently very full, and we don't want to over-recruit.
We revise open spots often, so check back soon :)
Our Goals
Our primary goal is to have fun in the game!
Beat every encounter in the game - our goals are almost always
Stay competitive and stay one of the best guilds of the
Maintain the friendly atmosphere in the guild.
-There is no QQ, no drama, no scams and no loot arguments
-We don't scream on vent for people's mistakes
-People are welcome to invite their friends in the guild to join
our social ranks
-We expect mature and adult behavior from all our guildies
Don't over-recruit, even if it means we sometimes are a bit
short on people, we keep our numbers reasonable
Do guild achievements (although our main goal is always
Slowly and secretly eradicate the gnome population
What we expect from applicants:
-We expect very good performance on every level
-Learn from your mistakes, but also from other people's
-Adapt to new situations and new tactics quickly
-Know all the mechanics of your class and how to use them to their
fullest as part of a team
-Know about the encounters beforehand and how your abilities will
fit into it and when
-We only raid 3 nights, which dont give much room for standby or
for over-recruit, so we expect as close to 3/3 as possible from
-Have a good PC and solid Internet connection. Don't waste our time
and yours if you have 5 FPS and d/c at every pull.
-Be ready for every encounter in terms of knowledge, consumables
and extra gear sets if needed
Personal Traits
-Team attitude. We are happy when you try to be as good as possible
but you should always value the "good of the team" more then your
personal achievements/gear
-Mature people only (We operate a 18+ policy)
-Raiding experience. We don't expect you to have killed every boss
out there, but you should have some good hardmode raiding
-Order of importance: Attitude>Skill>Gear. If you fail on the
first two, you will fail your trial.
-Able to communicate clearly in English, both in speaking and in
writing (we use Ventrilo, having a microphone is a big plus but not
obligatory - although its 100% required for tanks)
-Mature attitude towards raiding. Wiping is part of the learning
process in besting an encounter. If you don't like wiping, you are
probably playing the wrong game
Other Info
If you like what you read and you think you can be a good addition
to our team,
You can apply with our template on
When you apply make sure you invest time into it, we will not take
you into consideration if you spend 5 minutes doing it with vague
Feel free to whisper us if you want to learn more about us, or
about the gnome extermination secret plans ;)
The CN officer team
Deathsong, Waltrop, Yogg