We're always looking for talented dedicated raiders, ask any
guildie for an online officer.
We're a casual guild with awesome players. We can d*ck around more
than most but we still push each other to not be too idiotic when
raiding. We're here to have fun ffs so try not to be an as*.
Sitting and loot should be a non issue for everyone. Even core
people who've raided for years sit often and don't get anything by
default. We want to benefit the raid as a whole as we raid and be
fair to those who do. Our goal is to down bosses.
Loot is handled through an EPGP system but we also loot council in
rare circumstances. We intervene as little as possible with loot
but if we think there is a situation that it's needed we will make
a judgement call.
Raids are 7-10pm server(US Central) Tues, Thurs and Monday.