Shadow and Light is raiding-centered guild comprised of a wide
diversity of players from all walks of life. Our age demographic is
25-35 (with a few outliers in both directions), and we would prefer
potential members (especially those who commit to a raid team) to
be adults who are in control of their lives, as committed raid
teams require people who are able to consistently honor that
commitment. As such, our officers and members are committed to
helping out one another in ways that extend beyond filling up a
group, including reviewing logs, engaging in constructive debate,
and just hanging out to laugh and joke together. If you are an
open-minded person who seeks to excel and is always looking to take
the next step to elevate your performance, then our guild is what
you are looking for.
•Ideal applicants will possess relevant hard mode experience, gear,
and up-to-date knowledge of their class.
•All applicants must provide World of Logs parses to demonstrate
their ability to play the game. Applications without logs will be
•Be prepared to go beyond the official raid schedule. If we are
close to killing a boss, it is not uncommon for the guild to raid a
bit after time.
•Be honest and humble about mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and
you will be called out. If your ego cannot withstand advice or
criticism, you will not last long in the guild.
•Loot distribution is based upon progression requirements, not
greed, emotion, or seniority.
•The raid team consists of a 25-man roster, and we expect
applicants to be team players when progression or loot distribution
needs arise and result in downtime.
Right now we are in high need of a -
Holy Paladin
Ele Shaman/Resto Swing
Balance Druid/ Resto Swing
DPS warrior
WW Monk
MW Monk/ WW Swing
Raid Times*** Wed, Sun, Mon - 8:30-11:30PM EST
If you would like to apply for a raid spot, you can submit an
application via our web site at - Or talk in
game to
GM Shadow and Light - Dorlomin - BT-Dorlomin#1994
RL Team Frosty - Threetrees-BT- Threetrees#1389