<Aurora Borealis> is back!
>> History
Hello, we are Aurora Borealis, a scandinavian guild located on
EU-Grim Batol. We were formed on Daggerspine in April 2006 as a
semi-casual raiding guild, but as the scandinavian population on
that server declined and progress halted a bit on Kael'Thas in
Tempest Keep, we migrated as one of many guilds to Grim Batol,
another realm known for its heavy scandinavian population.
As we established ourselves at our new home, we found the players
needed to continue progressing. Illidan, Archimonde soon fell
before our feet, but sadly we were only able to kill
M'uru/Entropius before major WotLK changes hit live, so our
firstkill of Kil'Jaeden ended up being a joke as we overrun him in
only a few tries.
In WotLK we set out to establish ourselves as a top guild on Grim
Batol. We managed to get in a few (to us) impressive feats in form
of some early kills in Ulduar and 2x A Tribute to Immortality. We
were still in the running for server firsts but hadn't managed to
pull any of note off until Jun 3, 2010, when we got our Realm First
Lich King 25m kill, the first reset with 20% buff.
Cataclysm was our expansion to prove ourselves. We kept most of our
kills in the top 2 on Grim Batol, with tier11 culminating in a
world 88 and realm first kill on Sinestra. Firelands and Ragnaros
put up a fight setupwise and we lost several raiders to fatigue and
discouragement, but with a lot more trial-testing than we would
normally like, even the Firelord would fall before our feet,
granting another realm first 25 heroic tierending boss to AB.
Dragon Soul turned out to be the turning point. This instance
sucked all the joy of raiding out of us as a guild, and we ended up
losing our core members one by one. Some to real life, some to the
tempting non-logistics of 10man raiding, and some to greener
pastures being headhunted by world top guilds.
The 10man group was able to beat the Madness out of Deathwing, but
for for Aurora Borealis, sadly, the momentum was already gone. For
the first time since WoW release, Aurora Borealis did not have an
active raiding group.
When Mist of Pandaria was released, a few of the old AB members
decided to give 10man raiding a try. We leveled up and managed to
stabilize a small group with those who had not left for other
guilds, and we managed to start killing heroic bosses again. Sadly,
this would not last. Real life took it's toll, and we had to
disband - again - with 3 bosses still alive on heroic.
This was surely the end of Aurora Borealis.
At least for a year.
With Siege of Orgrimmar looking to come at an end, we decided to
see who was interested in playing a little together again, maybe
get a flex raid going, maybe even stabilize enough for a 10man
normal guild. We ended up going from timeless isle-gear to Garrosh
10HC down by casually raiding 1-2 raids per week for a few months.
By now, we had a lot more than 10 players eager to play again, and
we started looking for ways to recruit for 25man and mythic raiding
in WoD. As luck would have it we found some like-minded people in
another norwegian guild and have kept on farming SoO 25 hc
Aurora Borealis now have a stable core of 27~ players, and we are
looking forward to hopefully restore some old glory in WoD!
>> Recruitment
Right now, we actually don't need anything!
However, we are always looking for those exceptional players to
bring AB up even another level.
Thank you for reading!