Apex currently has 2 weekly raid groups. Contact Zygzag for more
information or for any questions regarding the guild.
Website: apex-bb.enjin.com
We are always looking for new guild members and raiders.
Current schedule for Raid Teams:
Crux (10 man) - Tuesday/Wednesday 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (PST)
Raid Leader: Halethros
Pinnacle (Flex) - Thursday 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm (PST)
Raid Leader: Zygzag
About Us
Apex formed in early 2010 is composed of highly experienced raiders
that wanted to complete the latest tier of content in two nights a
week worth of raiding. We consider ourselves casual in nature but
many of us strive to use the full potential of our classes and
roles. We have an interesting mix of players who respect each other
while enjoying the game content. Casual pvp is the most you'll see
now but adding more pvp/raid players is welcomed.