<Outlaw Justice>
Outlaw Justice is recruiting additional raiders and members. We run
a 20 man team and at this time are 5/7 Heroic.
If your interested in raiding with us, we are looking for raiders
that are reliable. Please be willing to use Mumble and have a bit
of a thick skin. We're a laid back crew, and our Mumble chat can
get salty at times. We'd rather warn you ahead of time than offend
anyone or get anyone in trouble. We need reliable, dedicated
*** We are in need of Range DPS...Mage, Shadow Priest or Lock
Our raid schedule is currently Tuesday and Wednesday nights from
9:00pm to 12:00am EST (Server Time). We are in the process of
adding an additional night for raiding.
If you're interested in a raid spot or becoming a member, please
contact Melsham, Crepetis, OPHJ,or Meshelle.
If you would like to know more about the guild please visit our
website http://outlawjustice.shivtr.com/
You can also see us on Facebook:
Crepetis: Battletag- crepetis#1459
Melsham: BT Melsham#1202
Meshelle: BT Tinkadin#1807