<Precision> of Shandris was founded back in 2009. We are a
Semi-Hardcore raiding guild pushing Mythic content. The core of the
guild has been together for over seven years. Our currently raid
Schedule is Tuesday and Thursdays from 5:15-8:15pm PST and 8:15pm
-11:15pm EST. In the works is an optional third day at this moment
looks to be Wednesday, this will be for a minimum of two weeks at
the launch of BRF.
What we expect of our raiders/recruits:
1. Be on time! Raid invites go out 15 minutes prior to raid time so
that proper group composition can be set up.
2. Be prepared! We expect that research should be done on
progression bosses up to two encounters in advance, Have proper
enchants, gems, and consumables, which includes augment runes and
health/mana tonic.
3. Be responsible! There are 20 people in a mythic team and your
one of those people. Missing a raid for personal reasons is
excusable at times for emergencies, but advanced notice is
expected. We are a team, please remember we are counting on
everyone and everyone is counting on you!
4. Be kind! The final and most important thing is to remember we
are all a team and in some cases a family. Be respectful to your
fellow team members and keep your business drama free. Personal
attacks and racist remarks are grounds for immediate expulsion from
the guild.
What you can expect from the guild:
1. Guild repairs while raiding
2. Enchanting mats, BOE crafted items as well as upgrades.
3. Consumable items such as health/mana tonic, flasks, feasts,
4. Finally you can expect a fun and lively raid with driven
progression-minded players who want to advance through content as
much as you.
We are currently recruiting theses classes and specs:
Druid- Boomkin, Resto
Shaman- Resto, Ele, Enhance
Priest:- Holy
Monk- WW
Rogue- Any spec
You must be at an appropriate Ilvl and you should be able to play
competitively, personal parses are a plus!
All are welcome to join even if not listed, we like to be
competitive and the best players will always get the spots.
Contact information
Guild Leaders : Hakoonn- (Sayo517#1935). Fezzick
(Itsthejohnes#1259), & Chazzx - (Chazzx#1614)
Recruiter: Malkier - (Mickro#1866)
Feel Free to add any of us on Real ID for more info on joining, to
expedite the process go to http://precision-shandris.wowlaunch.com/
our website to fill out an application.