Echelon is a semi-hardcore guild on Black Dragonflight server - US
- horde side. We are one of the top 2 night a week guilds in the
world. While we raid only 2 nights a week, we are a
competitive guild that strives to progress as fast as possible
through the content. We are a well established guild on BDF and
have been raiding continuously since Ulduar.
While we are currently not looking for any specific classes, we are
always recruiting exceptional players of any role.
Our raiding progression as of 5-Feb-2014 is:
Blackrock Foundry: 8/10 Heroic
Highmaul: 6/7 Mythic
Our raiding progression in MoP was as follows (During respective
14/14 Heroic SoO
13/13 Heroic ToT
12/16 Heroic MSV/HoF/Terrace
All potential applicants are invited to contact us.
Raid times are:
Tuesday 8pm - 12:00
Thursday 8pm - 12:00
All times are server (EST)
Additionally, we often run raids and events on off nights, as we
have a very active member base.
Please apply on our website.
Feel free to contact Arcangon (Arcangon#1223), Squigumss
(Squigums#1217), Distinctive or Taterstots in game for additional