Carrying on our rich history on this server, Distorted is marching
on in The Siege of Orgrimmar. We are progressing on a regular basis
as a guild and it feels good!
Tuesday and Wednesday are our 10 man raid nights. We raid from
8:30pm (server/mountain)- 11:00pm (server). Depending on the night
and consensus, an extension may last to 12:00am.
Pick up raids for previous content may happen through the week, but
focus is on continued success in SoO. In addition we are working on
running guild flex raids. There is not currently a set scheduled
time for this but there should be soon. The intent of the flex raid
is to just have fun as a guild and open up loot opportunities for
others that are not a regular on either of the 10 man raiding
Distorted is a family of players, who are not just focused on
raiding, but rather on having fun as a group. It is important to
the officer corps that this sort of mentality is maintained. This
said, raiders are expected to know their class, ask questions,
understand strategies and do their homework before raids.
Ultimately this is so that each of us may enjoy the game and
raiding without the frustrations of fire-standers and unhelpful
raiders. While we enjoy progressing, we truly value the times we
spend as a guild fighting through instances, running back from
wipes, and goofing off in Stormwind.
We are not activly recruiting anyone specifically for raiding but
are always accepting applications of our web site for mature and
friendly players looking for a guild.
If you are looking for a friendly place to call home, can commit to
being a competent raider, and share our lighthearted outlook,
<Distorted> may be the place for you.
Visit us online at to check out the guild