We currently raid Tue/Thur 6-10pm server time (Mountain standard
Light Brigade is currently recruiting for Mythic WoD raiding.
Who is Light Brigade?
Light Brigade first formed as a guild June 13, 2005, and we started
raiding Zul Gurub and Molten Core in January 2006. While many other
raiding guilds have come and gone, Light Brigade has always been
here, and plans to be here many years into the future.
Light Brigade has stood the test of time by being a group of like
minded mature adults with a focus on end game raiding. We do our
best to only accept mature adult raiders, and as a general rule
only accept raiders 18+. We do not put up with drama, so if you are
a forum troll, a ninja looter, or just a general jerk, you need not
apply regardless of how awesome you are.
While there are certain classes we need more than others, if you
think you are an exceptional raider of like mind with Light
Brigade, feel free to apply.