Exceed is looking for exceptional members to fill our roster for
mythic progress.
Raid times: (GMT +1)
Tuesday 19:30 - 23:00
Wednesday 19:30 - 23:00
Thursday 19:30 - 23:00
Highmaul progress:
7/7 Normal
7/7 Heroic
1/7 Mythic
What we expect from you:
We expect you to sign up for guild raids and be there on time. It
is expected you're there for almost all the raids. Performance and
knowledge of your own class at a high level is required as we're
not looking to boost anyone through content, but rather progress
with equally skilled players.
It's expected you dedicate yourself in the hours that we raid,
meaning that you should not be running off while raiding.
What you can expect from us:
You can expect a good raid atmosphere with like-minded people who
focus on progressing while having a good time. You will get to meet
new people, make new friendships and have a good time doing it.
When applying:
Tell us a bit about yourself (Age, name, where you're
Write previous experience (if any, it's not a must)
Go to the url below to apply:
If you're interested and want to hear more, whisper us ingame: