Utsukushii Saisei is a long standing tight knit group of players
who banded together during late BC and early WotLK to form a
raiding team. We value personal integrity and the ability to voice
opinions amid the chaos of raid progression. While it is never our
goal to achieve illustrious realm first titles, we raid with the
intent to challenge ourselves and accomplish great feats as a team.
Our community, while rowdy, is good to one another. We have met in
person at Blizzcon 2013 and plan to continue to maintain friendly
relationships in spite of the distance that separates us, with
raiders in Hawaii, California, Washington, Arizona, Illinois, New
York, Australia, and Britain.
Our primary ten man roster is largely decided although one of our
members will be taking a leave of absence for personal commitments,
as such recruitment is always considered.
Raiding typically runs 2.5 to 3 hours on Tuesday Thursday Saturday
from 11PM server time, although this schedule is subject to change
going forward depending on class schedules from semester to
semester. In addition, for those interested a second raid team runs
on Wednesdays and Fridays to develop alts and new members of our
raiding team.
Since starting Heroic modes in early February we have since made
great strides in progress. We intend to fully clear SoO heroic and
challenge raiding in Warlords of Draenor going forward. With this
in mind, Utsukushii Saisei is still recruiting raiders, especially
those with the ambition to see 20 man Mythic raiding in the
upcoming expansion. However, keep in mind that in our Heroic
raiding progression that raid spots in the incredibly limited ten
man roster are not guaranteed at this time. We still highly
encourage new members to consider us a team worth raiding with as
our alt runs boast Garrosh kills that many other guild teams
struggle with.
Our guild has not used a formal loot system for two expansions.
Those looking for a rigid structured loot council or point system
are recommended to look elsewhere. Although this lack of a system
creates the possibility of large gear disparities between raiders,
individual generosity tends to balance things out when the dice
fail to do so. An old raider once said, "Loot always drops again",
a very simple look at WoW in general. Our story lies in the
adventures we share rather than in the items generated by the
Our guild's entire roster has a history of 5 or more years of
experience in WoW and prior mmorpgs including, but not limited to,
Everquest, Swtor, Final Fantasy 11. There are many times where it's
normal for us to recall stories of our history. Naturally, as our
team largely consists of gamers who have known each other for years
we tend to trust one another on a much more implicit level than
common raid groups. Bear in mind, that we are by no means actively
excluding players outside of our niche, if you wish to become part
of this camaraderie you should not hesitate to ask.
Currently the guild is led by Kalcifur (you can contact at
TKMori#1560). However, the guild master position is not one of
tremendous significance in Utsu, he's just the guy that barks the
most orders and writes up plans for facing new bosses. That is,
when he isn't busy QQing about the gradual death of classic RPGs
and managing college.