Avocado is recruiting!
RAID TIMES: Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, 7-10PM PST (Server
We are a close-knit raiding guild, with a hardcore mentality to
raiding, but preferring a more casual raid schedule (we raid only 9
hours a week during progression). We maintain a calm raiding
atmosphere, yet we demand the very best from all our members. With
very few exceptions, we have downed all end tier content (including
most heroic [now mythic] end bosses) during the relevant tier over
the years. We try to maintain high-end competitiveness.
Currently, we are looking to bolster our core raiding team. The
class, and even role, is flexible. We are mostly looking for
someone dedicated, experienced, skilled, and geared enough to start
making a solid difference on day 1 based on our progression. This
is important. Gear, skill, and experience are all important, and
because this is a competitive 20-man mythic raid, we have to be
exceptionally picky. You are going to be judged by your level of
play, your ability to take constructive criticism, and your
willingness to flexible and understand the raid always comes first.
We also hope you understand both the game and your class well
enough to be able to improvise, because not every raid goes exactly
as planned. What we want are people who can not only do their
assigned role at very high levels, but who can make the job of
everyone else a little easier by doing the things that may not
always show up on dps meters (and believe me, we go over logs very
thoroughly and we do know who goes above and beyond simple
We do also have a secondary raid team other than the main 20 man,
also run with the same dedication to skill and progress as our main
raid. As spots open up in the main raid, we typically promote
players from our secondary run to the main raid. The second raid
team is also pretty advanced, so we still need people with high
skill and good raiding experience, though we can be slightly more
flexible and lenient with requirements as the run tends to be
heroic-only. But it is an excellent way for us to test
potential-but-not-quite-there main group raiders, and to help some
of them get experience and gear.
We are now recruiting for exceptional players to be ready to hit
the ground running. Please keep in mind the requirements of mythic
raiding while you apply to the guild.
Additional time may be added at the beginning of raid tiers to
accommodate the new bosses. Both groups are very stable groups,
with very few absences. If you want to raid with us, please be
ready, willing, and able to commit to showing up, more than
anything else, in order for us to even be able to consider you.
Visit us at http://avocado.enjin.com/
Alternatively, "Bob" (Playgze), "Ed" (Mallard), "HK" (Hehokay), or
"Sabon" (Sabon) for more information on the guild in game.